Chale Aana Lyrics from De De Pyaar De feat Ajay Devgn & Tabu is latest song sung by Armaan Malik. It is written by Kunaal Vermaa with music given by Amaal Mallik.
Jatt Fattey Chakk Lyrics by Amrit Maan & Raavi Bal is latest Punjabi song sung and written by them. Its music is given by Desi Crew and video is directed by Tru Makers Film.
Lyrics of Mukar Gayi by Gurj Sidhu is Punjabi song sung and composed by him. It is written by Sukh Sandhu while video is directed by Rupan Bal & Rubbal Gtr.
Lyrics of Chumma by Guri is new Punjabi with music given by Tanishk Bagchi. Satti Dhillon has directed its video while K-Rick has written its lyrics.